Having the ability to search on a smartphone and the make a call right from the link is extremely helpful. Having the ability to click on a mobile display ad that is offering something attractive is even better. Click to call advertising is not that common in the mobile display banner world. Mobile display advertising sometimes require special capabilities that most don’t have. Spoiler alert, We do! Through our managed services account Thumbvista can build out a click-to-call campaign that allows your potential customers a more streamline approach to connecting.

click to call feature

The information below is a few ways click to call ads can be a winner for your next advertising campaign.

3 Examples Of Great Click To Call Ads

For public service

Call a cab. This Budweiser St. Patty’s Day Campaign was to promote safety through their Don’t Drive Drunk campaign. The ad linked to a local cab company and maybe saved a life.

click to call ad example

To reach a sales rep

Click to Call An Agent. This Geico Ad campaign was to allow potential customer to connect directly with a local agent to discuss how they could save money on their car insurance.

click to call ad for geico

Moving on toward the order swiftly

Click To Call In Order. Especially at this time C2C ads for restaurants are a great way to make the process as user friendly as possible.

mobile display banner ad

Streamlining the user experience is the main goal with. Other options can be done as well such as click to sms or click to calendar save and more.

Connect with us today to speak about you next campaign.