Sixty-four percent of people think that advertisements are intrusive and annoying, according to a HubSpot study. This is a staggering number that you do not want to be a part of. Instead, you want customers to see your advertisement when it matters the most. That is where contextual advertising comes into play. 

What is Contextual Advertising Anyway?

Contextual advertising means placing advertisements based on content. For example, if you are reading a blog about the best types of food for dogs then you may see an advertisement for a specific dog food brand. Or if you are looking at the top 10 sport utility vehicles of 2021, then you may see an advertisement from one of the car manufacturers on that list. 

Ads people want

This type of advertising may seem similar to behavioral advertising, but there are differences. Behavioral advertising occurs when you see an advertisement based on behaviors such as online search activity. So, you won’t see an ad for new skis while reading about the best ski resorts in Oregon, but you will see an ad for skis on Facebook, or while reading the latest news because of your past behavior.

Now, you may be wondering what the benefits are of contextual advertising. Well, it is cost-friendly and easy to start. It may be more relevant to the topics prospective customers are actually looking at. Sometimes, a person may search for something but the purchase timeline is not relevant. With contextual advertising, your ad is displaying because someone is actively looking for something related. Finally, think about this, have you ever been on Facebook or Instagram and thought, “how did they know I was thinking of purchasing this?” It happens often. Contextual advertising doesn’t create that eerie feeling because again, you’re actively looking at related content. 

If you’re sold on the idea of contextual advertising, this is how it works when you create an advertisement. Let’s take a look at Google since it occupies a good percent of the market share. Pair this with Thumbvista’s access to many other ad exchanges you will be about to access nearly every place needed to make an impact for your marketing message. Thumbvista will allow you to target ads based on topics and/or keywords. Topics include categories such as entertainment, dining, sports, automobiles. These can be broken down into more specific categories such as concerts, basketball or sports cars. Keywords are more specific. Here is an example, for an ad about dog food, keywords may include specific health benefits, ingredients, breed, or allergy specifications. From there, Google will take the information and add it to the most relevant pages of content. 

The way you set up your ad can make or break your entire campaign. Not to mention, it is essential to have an advertisement that converts.  When you are creating an advertisement with this method you know exactly who you’re targeting and when they are most likely to see it based on those topics and keywords. Therefore, you have the opportunity to speak directly to the consumer with an ad that matters. Using this method and creating meaningful ads, you are more likely to convert the customer. 

If this is all overwhelming, or if you’re wondering how contextual advertising can help your business, feel free to contact us to see how we can help.