Mobile usage is at a all time high and not looking back. 53% of American consumers said that they use their smartphone to access a search engine at least once a day. (Google & MMA survey) A recently study from Walker Sands Communications states that more than 12 percent of traffic to retailers’ and other marketers’ Web sites now come from mobile devices. With retailers selling 37 million iPhones and 15 millions iPads this past holiday season those numbers are increasing fast. Daniel LaLoggia, direct marketing manager at Walker Sands, Chicago was quoted in a recent interview by Chantal Tode and Mobile Commerce Daily “Mobile has now reached the point where it absolutely should not be ignored,” ”On average, more than 1 in every 10 visits comes from a mobile device. He also said “If your site is not designed to provide a user-friendly visitor experience, you could lose out on valuable conversions.” A bad experience in a mobile device could have the same effect as a bad experience in your store, your customer may not return.