The buzz continues with mobile advertising based on a consumers location and as with most advertising the auto industry leads the charge to trial and innovate. Car Dealerships across the country (& world) love the thought of being able to geofence a competitors location and have their ad appear to hopefully sway the automotive shopper away at the last second. The fact is it’s possible. The truth is the are many ways to use geofence triggered ads to get customers into your dealership and hear are a few ideas of how.

What Is Possible & Practical For Auto Dealership Geofencing

First blasting a message without prior permission to a mobile device the enters an area such as a competitors auto dealership is not going to happen. We would say it’s impossible, but anything is so we just say not going to happen. Getting permission to send messaging completely different story. The best way to do this is to reach out to customers who visit your service department and start a loyalty program with an App or SMS.

**The best strategy for Auto Dealer Geofencing is geo-conquesting (sway them away from a location of a competitor) customer is by using Thumbvista’s targeted mobile banner ads triggered by geofencing.

Mobile Geoconquesting


Here Are Some Key Features

  • Set up geofences down to 1000 ft or more.
  • Multiple creatives can be used.
  • Advance targeting based on location, time & customer’s interest.
  • Flexible reporting and campaign budgets and modifications. 

Auto Dealership Geofencing Case Study

image via Adweek

image via Adweek

In a recent Adweek article A Toyota dealership released a mobile advertising case study using geofencing. They stated – The Toyota ads target consumers who visit Ford, Chevrolet and Mazda dealerships, among others. The automaker claims a 45 percent lift in foot traffic via consumers who were served mobile ads compared to those who did not receive one.


Here are 2 ideas on how to use geofencing for your car dealership

1. Make a list of neighborhoods that are home to your perfect customer and target them. Thumbvista can make geofenced perimeters down to 1000 ft. By hitting the right neighborhoods with a message that is relevant you are increasing your effectiveness.

2.  Pick out a competitive area and target. Most automotive dealerships are located in groups find and drive traffic. Any dealership will have customers waiting and most are staring at their mobile devices, capitalize.

For more idea & strategies on geofencing for your dealership contact us today!