There are many uses for geofencing, and mobile marketing is one of largest. Being able to trigger messaging based on location and time is a powerful thing. Thumbvista uses geofence technology to target the right audience and in this case, the right audience is a qualified applicant. Below are two real campaigns that have seen successful results.

Geofence For Qualified Job Applicants

Objective: Recruiting Truck Drivers

Mobile Geoconquesting employment recruiting ads geo fence what is geofencing advertising


Finding qualified applicants who currently work as properly licensed truck drivers along I-5 in California.


Geofence rest areas and popular stops along major routes with a radius of around 3,000 ft. Deliver messaging within applications with enticing incentives such as a signing bonus and linking to the company career page and job posting.


Campaign acheived 75k impressions and 1.54% engagement rate from interstitial ads. The campaign also had 330 actions and a .44% CTR.

More details to follow…


Geofence Competitors To Recruit Their Talent

Mobile deal via geoconquesting

Objective: Recruit Nurses 


Finding highly-qualified and specialized nursing staff for Atlanta hospital.


Geofence other top-rated hospitals and medical facilities in the area.

Results: (from first 8 days)

Achieved more than 21,000 impressions resulting in a click-through-rate of .46%

More details to follow…


Summary: Employers know who they’re looking for so why waste time and money blasting job postings to every job site and sorting through resumes of unqualified candidates? By delivering a detailed relevant message directly to the right candidates based on their current location and credentials will increase overall effectiveness of the message.

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