When it comes to advertising for online businesses, mobile marketing is a must. The same goes for brick and mortar businesses with an e-commerce store. There’s a massive digital world for e-comm ads to occupy, but mobile is quickly becoming the most important.
Mobile advertising is on the verge of passing desktop in virtually every meaningful ad spend category. Because of this, your e-comm business will need an effective mobile advertising strategy to keep up with the competition. Business Insider Intelligence used this data to forecast that m-commerce will reach $284 billion, by the end of 2020.
Here are three tips for mobile advertising for e-commerce.
Get Targeted with Geofencing
Everyone has a mobile phone these days, so it’s important to be strategic when it comes to who you deliver mobile ads to. Being targeted helps you increase ROI by delivering the right message to the right people at the right time. One of the best ways to do this is through geofencing.
Geofencing allows you to set a digital “fence” around a strategic location to capture the cellphone data of anyone who steps inside of it. This will help you narrow the focus of your ads and deliver targeted messages.
Localizing your ads through the use of a geofence will allow brick and mortar businesses to advertise their e-commerce business to everyone in the area. For example, a local pizza place that offers delivery can use a geofence to send a message advertising their newest special to everyone within their delivery range. This works well for brand awareness messages and for offering incentives to buy online.
This type of localized messaging can also be used for reaching other markets across the country. For example, if your business sells bicycles, you can geofence the top five cities for cycling and deliver messages to mobile phone users in those areas.
Geoconquest Competitors
Another powerful method of using geofence technology is through geoconquesting. This is when you set up a geofence around your competitors’ locations. Geoconquesting allows you to find out who is visiting your competitors’ store and deliver a targeted message to try to win their business. You’ll have the opportunity to advertise what differentiates you from your competitors and to offer an incentive to the potential customer to try you instead. By delivering this message to their mobile device, you give them an easy way to visit your e-commerce store and have a higher chance of converting.
Remarket to visitors
It’s also important to continue to remarket to customers after they’ve visited your store or made a purchase. Remarketing keeps your business top of mind and makes it easier for customers that like you to transact with you again. This is especially effective with mobile because it’s so easy for customers to respond to your call to action as soon as they see it on their smartphone.
Driving business to your website store is not much different than your physical store. E-commerce sales is about getting in front of a relevant audience. An audience of people that you products make sense for based on location, time or interest. For more information on how to market based on location, time and interest contact Thumbvista today.Â