Just running a basic display advertising campaign for mobile devices is one thing, but running a Location Based Mobile Advertising Campaign via Mobile Banner Ads gives you the ability to truly geoconquest potential customers who frequent the competition.
Location, Time & Behavior
Imagine having the ability to get your brands message to customers who frequently shop at the competition. This is called Geoconquesting or “Geo-Conquesting” the act of advertising in a known competitors area in order to sway them to come your way. For example, Imagine being able to get your sandwich company’s brand in front of people who are in or around a competitor’s location during lunch time. Or even visit areas that you know your existing customers frequently visit. For example, you own a athletic clothing store and you know a great park in the area that people love to visit to walk, run, bike and picnic etc. Wouldn’t that be a great place to promote your company?
There is a reason that 52% of mobile ad spending, or $10.8B, will be associated with location-targeted campaigns by 2017, up from 37%, or $1.4B, in 2012 (source BIA/Kelsey) It is because it just makes sense. It is a smarter way to advertise via mobile devices and the customers want it. Studies have shown that 47% of mobile consumers want retailers to send coupons to their devices when they are in or near the store. (source loyalty360)
So why not promote your brand in front of customers via location based mobile marketing? For new customers find the the perfect crowd with Targeted Mobile Banner Ads or for loyal customer try Location Based Messaging via SMS triggered by Geofencing.
Contact Us Today For More Information on Location Based Mobile Advertising Services 1-855-554-4900