It’s time. Stop waiting. Go Mobile

By becoming Mobile or “Thumb” Friendly means making your digital presence  available without a customer having to zoom in. Ultimately different than your desktop version. This can be done by taking your business information accessible online for a computer screen and translating it into a Mobile Ready Website or Mobile Landing Page.

So you just got your website up to speed for your customers, or maybe you did it years ago and it was something you paid a lot for and are extremely proud of. Consumers have changed and become more mobile and so web browsing & searching has changed and it is time to adapt. Sometimes even just slight changes to the “backend” of your online content can help you become more Mobile Friendly. So are you asking yourself, “Does it really matter?” The Answer is YES! Studies show that 57 percent of consumers will not recommend a business with a poorly designed mobile site. Similarly, 40 percent of consumers will go to a competitor’s site after a bad mobile experience (Source: Compuware, 2012) Making your website “Thumb Friendly” is easier and more affordable than you might think. 

Your Options:

A Basic Mobile Site

A basic mobile website really just gets the point across.  It provides some basic links on who you are, what you do, reviews, product and service information, how to contact you, and directions to your office.  You can integrate features like “click to call” and or a mobile friendly photo gallery but the site is still basic.

A Custom Mobile Site

A custom mobile site is a site built just for mobile.  It may not look like the full website exactly and it’s not just a version of the full website either. It was built specifically for a phone or tablet and has easy scrolling and navigational features. 

A Responsive Design

A responsive design is building a website in a way that it essentially scales down visually depending on what the user is looking at the site on.  The website can be made where it scales down by automatically detecting a small screen view. and lines up to make it easier to view and navigate links.

Mobile App

A mobile app for Android, iOS, is something written for a specific device and it is usually downloaded through an App Store, etc.  These are apps can run without an Internet connection. You can create more advanced functionality with these such as advanced maps, barcode scanners, games, location based services etc.

Some Examples of Mobile Friendly Features:

Please Contact Us Today For A Consultation & Free Quote!

Thumbvista is based in Charlotte, NC. and works with companies and organizations Globally.